
This is an old revision of the document!

Rebuilding of Wiki

  • migration of devwiki, appwiki, techwiki done (2021.08)
  • rebuilding of my wiki content for new structure as 10 years of content already need a re-struture (2021.05)

Intro to Shining Wiki

This wiki system is created based on my interest in Computer and Computing related technologies, and extended to my other interests.


How this Wiki Structured

  1. My Tech Sharing: system level guide, app level guide, hardware level guide
  2. My Hobby Sharing: Photo, Music, Programming, Graphics
  3. My life notes for infos
  4. Singapore Sharing: life guide in Singapore

My Hottest Wiki Topic

Development Wiki

Language language quick reference
mobile dev Android Dev, Cordova, iOS Dev, React Native
c# (in visual studio), C# in MonoDevelop (Xamarin studio)
app c++, java, python (xwPython)
Python+Qt (Py27, Py35) x (32bit, 64bit) x (PySide, PySide2, PyQt4, PyQt5)
Python+Kivy (Py27, Py35) x (32bit, 64bit) x Kivy x (Mobile,Desktop)
Python+Web (Python CGI programming)
c++Qt (C++ Qt on Win, Mac, Linux)
c, flash toolkit
game & interactive Quick intro to game dev
AR VR Vuforia AR, AR foundation, Lens Studio , Web AR+VR, VR
Web asp.net and asp, php, Node.js, html, bootstrap, javascript, css, sql, asp,
Web Admin Guide, SEO
Web.js babylon.js, three.js, pixi.js, gsap.js
database SQL
script vbs, applescript, ahkscript (AutoHotKey)
shell dos(batch), bash
research Other Research

Graphic Wiki

Technical Documentation and Guideline

Graphic Input
media capture 3d scan
image capture (video, spherical environment image )
motion capture (camera motion, object motion)
geometry capture (3d geometry generation)
Graphic Process
3d element creation modeling (static model)
Dynamic model: water, cloud, smoke,
(prototype model)
look dev (texture creation, shading network, lighting)
rigging (function, weighting, trigger/interaction, automation)
animation (creation, capture (includes Matchmove), simulation (includes FX))
2d element creation Image Sequence, drawing (element design, element generation)
motion (motion creation, motion conversion/transfer, motion simulation)
composition (mask creation, layer operation, color mix)
Graphic Output
media output static media output (image, video): Gif
interactive media output (game-like) : 2D, 3D (GLTF)


Portable OS USB System setup and config
App Cust splash screen customize guide: adobe, autodesk cust
Cloud App Cust & Guide
Online App online app list
Online Office Google Drive
Code control GitHub

Mobile App

App Setup, Cust & fix


Music Concepts: beat, melody, rhythms, scale, notation, math and physics behind music
Electronic Music Electronic
Instrument Table of instrument notes range
western Piano, Guitar, Violin, Harmonica, Recorder
Youtube Learn Youtube music learning channels
Music Sheet Sheet download list, My likes
Song Write Song write and Compose
Music hardware Hardware related


Wiki Updates

updated: 2010.11
updated: 2010.12 format achieved
updated: 2011.01 more content added
updated: 2011.03 more content added
updated: 2011.04 more content added
updated: 2011.05 some structure change on artwiki
updated: 2011.09 simple tutorial moved to tutorial wiki, main framework fixed, content feeding from now on.
updated: 2012.02 Structure update for camerawiki and Adding
updated: 2012.05 Rebuild wiki looks and layout
updated: 2013.06 Build a new system is faster and easier than fixing a breaking one, think transfer to wordpress
updated: 2013.11 First doku update since 2011, new clean interface and more theme control and features
updated: 2014.10 moved to new server, updated wiki system
updated: 2016.01 re-structure wiki system, arrange wiki based on my level of interest; remove low use wiki
updated: 2016.02 Separator line added to easy category
updated: 2016.06 More Production oriented wiki layout and removal of low use wiki
updated: 2016.10 Move to a new home, and major structure change on the way
updated: 2016.11 Cleaned CameraWiki into PhotoWiki; Merge Video,CG,Prod,Course,Proj into GraphicWiki
updated: 2016.12 wiki update from 2014 to 2016, table edit feature added, and make it friendly for me to update
updated: 2017.02 done with CameraWiki into PhotoWiki, and some cleanup
updated: 2017.04 done with Wiki system integration
updated: 2017.07 add hot topic on top for quick link to hottest topics I am currently working
updated: 2017.09 move to new server and fix wiki
updated: 2017.10 update and complete merge on Graphic wiki
updated: 2018.01 shining-lucy.com now is truly and fully on its very own server 8-)
updated: 2018.09 update main site page, and re-integration with wiki
updated: 2021.05 server change, and re-structure of whole site and wiki

  • welcome.1657766084.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2022/07/14 02:34
  • by ying