After Effect Updates Log
- cc2017: c4d 3D text, real-time footage play without cache, faster GPU accelerated fx
- cc2015: c4d R17 live link, non-stop preview, face tracking, fx with in-layer mask
- cc2014: hi-dpi screen support, cineware 2.0 w. c4d r16, keying
- cc 12: mask tracker, GPU optimize, media browser, c4d integration, warp stablizer
- cs6: 3d camera track, extruded text and shape in ray trace, ai shape layer, rolling shutter fix, better mocha
- cs5: warp stabilizer, mocha v2
- cs4: timeline search, mocha
- cs3: puppet tool, per-character 3d text animation
AE Shortcut Quick Review
- How to change AE shortcut: in Preference Panel > General Tab > bottom “Reveal Preference in Explorer” button:
- in the pop folder window, you will see “Adobe After Effects xxx.0 Shortcuts.txt”
- edit text file to change shortcut
- example
"ExecuteScript" = "(Ctrl+Shift+Alt+X)"
panel operation
toggle max panel | ` |
full screen | ctrl + \ |
effect control panel | F3, ctrl+shift+T |
render queue panel | ctrl+alt+0 |
import | ctrl+ I |
import multi | ctrl+alt+ I |
footage setting, remember | ctrl+alt+ G, ctrl+alt+ C |
footage edit app | ctrl+E |
footage replace | ctrl+H |
footage reload | ctrl+alt+L |
footage proxy set | ctrl+alt+P |
viewport operation
select tool | v, hold ctrl |
hand tool | h, hold space |
zoom tool | z |
rotate tool | w |
camera tool | c |
shape tool | q |
pen | g |
snapshot and show and clear | shift+F5-8, F5-8, +ctrl |
zoom view, 100%, fit | <>, /, shift+/, alt+/ |
stop view | caplock |
zone safe, grid | ' , ctrl+', alt+' |
ruler | ctrl+R |
guide, lock | ctrl+; , ctrl+alt+shift+; |
snap grid | ctrl+shift+' |
snap guide | ctrl+shift+; |
show handle | ctrl+shift+ H |
Layer operation
new comp | ctrl+N |
new comp from selected footage | alt+\ |
new comp from selected layers | ctrl+shift+C |
comp setting | ctrl+K |
new - solid | ctrl + Y |
new - null | ctrl+alt+shift+Y |
new - adjust | ctrl+alt+Y |
layer setting | ctrl+shift+Y |
select layer by id, toggle | num0-9, +shift |
resize to fit canvas width keeping ratio | ctrl+alt+shift+ H |
resize to fit canvas size | ctrl+alt+ F |
replace layer | ctrl+alt+ / , alt+drag drop from project panel |
add layer | ctrl + / from project panel |
unlock all layer | ctrl+shift+ L |
lock layer | ctrl+L |
view - opacity | T |
view - rotation | R |
view - archor point | A |
view - position | P |
view - scale | S |
view - keyed | U |
view - edited | UU |
view - audio level | L |
view - audio wave | LL |
view -mask | MM |
view -mask path | M |
view -mask opacity | TT |
view -retime | RR |
view -Effect | E |
view -material | AA |
view -expression | EE |
view -prep | PP |
view -selected | SS |
view - all | ctrl+` |
toggle view | alt+shift+click |
add view | shift+ |
select layer up/down stack | ctrl + Up / Down arrow, (+shift) |
deselect layer | ctrl+shift+A |
focus selected layer | x |
toggle modes view | F4 |
toggle visibility, except | ctrl+alt_shift+ V, ctrl+shift+V |
delete effect | ctrl+shift+E |
re-apply effect | ctrl+alt+shift+ E |
re-apply animationi | ctrl+alt+shift+F |
timeline operation
add key | alt+shift+ property shortcut |
flip reserver time | ctrl+alt+R |
paste at current time | ctrl+alt+V |
split at current time | ctrl+shift+D |
add retime | ctrl+alt+ T |
zoom timeline, 100% | +/-, ; |
jump to timecode | alt+shift+ J |
jump to pre/next frame | ctrl + arrow (+shift = 10f), PgUp/PgDn |
jump to in/out point | I / O |
jump to pre/next in-out point | ctrl+alt+shift+left/right |
jump to pre/next key | J / K |
jump to working range | shift+ Home / End |
jump to comp start/end | Home / End, ctrl+alt+ Left /Right |
move layer to start/end of comp | alt+ Home/End |
move start/end of layer to play head | [ ] |
trim layer to play head | alt+ [ ] |
set working range to play head | B / N |
set working range to selected layer | ctrl+alt+B |
trim comp to working range | ctrl+shift+x |
shift key left/right in time | alt + Left / Right arrow (+shift = 10f) |
proportionally retime shift | alt+drag keyframe |
preview | space, num0 |
preview audio only from current time | num. |
preview audio in working range | alt+ num. |
scrub preview video | alt+drag play head |
scrub preview audio | ctrl+drag play head |
Techniques in After Effects
stabilize footage
Method 1: use AE built-in track tool
- select the footage requiring stablize
- open track panel, choose stablize, check transform, rotation, scale (if all needed)
- poition the track points, and click the “play button” sign to track forward
- after finished, click the bottom “Stablize” button
- final use after getting a so-called “point-lock-down” version footage
- if you want to re-animate the camera movement,
- parent the footage to a null object, and animate the null accordingly
- if you want to smooth the camera movement,
- copy footage's anchor point keyframe to position, and select position attribute
- open “Smoother” panel, apply a certain degree of smoothing to it
Method 2: use Mocha
- planar tracking in Mocha, export as tranformation information, copy
- in AE, select the footage, paste the motion
- then, finished stablize, do the same as method 1 for re-animation
rig and patch removal
General workflow: PS + Mocha → AfterEffect General Patch: AE → PS → AE
re-scale composition
- select the composition in project panel, then click File > Script > Scale Composition.jsx to open scale tool to help you auto set each layer and the comp itself.
- Note, if there is keyframe on scale property for some layers, you may need to fix them manually, like nested composition.
Effect List
Screen Effect
- cc ball method:
Shatter Effect
- shatter method:
- cc pixel polly method:
Scripting and Plugin Dev in After Effects
- ref:
- UI Script in AE is actually better supported than Photoshop, since Photoshop, you can only script modal dialog (block action until close), but AE you can script dockable panel (in term of just javascript)
- in Photoshop, the best you can do is create Action button in Action Panel to launch your script file
- Script file like jsx, jsxbin can be run from File > Script > Run Script File in any file folder location
- Script file in After Effect application folder > Script will be shown in File > Script menu
- Script file with UI will only be dockable panel (if written as so) when place in After Effect application folder > Script > ScriptUI folder; otherwise, it will not be dockable but just a dialog floating around
- If you can't put script file in Script folder or ScriptUI folder due to admin rights in C drive (like in a some office computer), then you can copy the whole AfterEffect application folder to D drive. and launch the AfterFX.exe from there, and put script there. It will runs fine, since the support files and library still there in some folder at C drive. (as the main AE components are distributed in Common User Folder and Application Folder); like how those portable versions of the application are made in same concepts
Useful AE script and expression
3D position to screen space 2D position
- 2D_null layer's position set to 3D_null
Hardware Guide for AE render
- CPU performance compare:
AE Worflow
AI file | AI file elements need to be in separate layer to be able to import as separate element |
After Effects Plugins
- To create a 3d emitter,
- create a light layer (which is 3D point), which named as “Emitter” (which required as particular's searching naming convention)
- in Particular layer's effect option, choose Emitter type as “Lights”
AE Expression
- use x,z slider to drive isometric movement
slideX = effect("x")("Slider"); slideZ = effect("z")("Slider"); a=30/180*3.141592; [slideX*Math.cos(a)-slideZ*Math.cos(a),-slideX*Math.sin(a)-slideZ*Math.sin(a)]
AE codec
- HAP encoder for ame:
- extra : hap for unity:
- hap player: vlc
Problem and Solution
- Problem: AME (media encoder) stuck at a project render, or keep connecting to project
- solution: (most likely the AE rendering in BG is stuck)
- check this guide first, then
- stop the task, and close media encoder
- go process and end any after effect process or after effect aerender process
- start AE and go preference, memory setting, uncheck multi frame rendering, save preference, close AE
- start media encoder again, and click start, it should start rendering now