Basic Render Setting
- Base material: Redshift Material (comes with preset)
- reflection:
- roughness: (spec blurness)
- fresnel type: IOR - index of reflection
- refraction, transmission
- weight: (transparency)
- Optimization
- reflection: max trace depth
- RS surface scatter mat
- scale: smaller mean less scatter
- Light
- RS_domelight (HDRI light)
- RS_physicalLight (area light, geo light, spot light, point light)
- Camera's lens shader
- Bokeh shader:
- Ciricle of Confusion: smaller, sharper
- bokeh shape image: control bokeh shape and if RGB seperate, it will add abbreviation
- PhotographicExposure shader
Render setting
Output tab | |
Progressive Rendering | |
the passes setting | only affect IPR progressive render, not final render |
Force Progressive for IPR | uncheck that if you want to bucket render for IPR as point based render not supported in progressive |
unified sampling and adaptive threshold | noise level control min > 4 randomize pattern for each frame: good for animation to random noise |
sample filter | blur or sharp image, like those JPG engine |
sample override | override per property sampling, good for check what need improve noise |
motion blur | deforming geo needs check enable Deform blur |
transform step | (sample steps for motion analysis per frame) |
frame duration | (time duration for blurriness, for animation, normally 1 frame) |
Gamma | gamma 2.2, linear workflow |
color management | RenderView > option : color manager, sRGB,SRG, no maya color control |
Environment | RS_environment, or RS_Sky |
atmopshere | fog: volumeScattering |
Tone Mapping | allowed overexp: highlight recovery; black crush: contrast adder |
Photometric units | units to meter scale for calculation; cd/m2 factor: non-physical light intensity mulplier |
AOV tab | |
depth | distance info for DOF or Fog |
Option tab | |
max trace depth | max bounce or pass-through for ray calculation |
GI tab | |
primary GI | first light Bounce |
secondary GI | second and later light Bounce |
number GI bounce | for interior, maybe need more like 10 |
brute force | more ray will clean up image |
radiance point cloud | smaller screen radius means better performance, |
Photon mapping tab | |
photon GI and caustics | |
SSS tab | |
point based | |
system tab | |
feedback display | display window with all render info |
material override | light check with basic material |
bucket rendering setting | size, and order |
- Render Proxy
- RS_menu > export
- Utility shader
- material
- RS_matteShadowCatcher
- RS_MaterialBlender
- tutorial: