Table of Contents

Ubuntu 16 and 17

Get Running Guide

Install App with Ubuntu Software

Developer Tool

code editor notepadqq
C# MonoDevelop


Graphic App Install

3D app Blender
2D app Krita
Video Editor KDEnLive

Utility App Install

FTP FileZilla
Local Transfer Dukto
sudo apt-get install gdebi
sudo gdebi dukto_6.0-1_amd64.deb
rm dukto_6.0-1_amd64.deb
echo "Now Dukto is in your app list"

Install App with apt-get Command

Install Git

Install KDE or MATE desktop environment

Custom Folder Location in Linux

Step 1 - Understand Linux Directory

Linux Windows
Super User (root)
/root main OS like Windows folder
/sbin system binary, like System32 in windows
Normal User
/bin system command binary, includes bash, mv,rm; \Windows\System32\ or \Windows\SysWOW64
boot boot loader
lib kernel modules and library
mnt partition path
media removable storage path
dev device drivers
proc system info and status folder
etc configuration file for system, like etc folder in windows
var log folder
usr system Program Files
/usr/sbin system Program Files bundled with OS
/usr/bin user shared system Program Files for all users
opt 3rd party Program Files for all users
srv serivce folder
home user home directory

Step 2 - Create D drive like folder

Technical Tips

new apt cmd vs old apt-get cmd since ubuntu 16

New since U16 old way description
apt install apt-get install Installs a package
apt remove apt-get remove Removes a package
apt purge apt-get purge Removes package with configuration
apt update apt-get update Refreshes repository index
apt upgrade apt-get upgrade Upgrades all upgradable packages
apt autoremove apt-get autoremove Removes unwanted packages
apt full-upgrade apt-get dist-upgrade Upgrades packages with auto-handling of dependencies
apt search apt-cache search Searches for the program
apt show apt-cache show Shows package details

Screenshot with Cmd or Shortcut

USB capacity varify

check USB device name

Write ISO to USB

  1. check sum for verify file corrupt
    sha256sum linux_os_disk.iso
  2. then search online for verify the sum code is same as online provided one
  3. umount usb
    umount /dev/sdb1_like_part_name_for_usb
  4. write
    dd if=linux_os_disk.iso of=/dev/sdb_like_device_Disk_name_check_above
    • if you got error when boot that finished usb like “isolinux.bin missing or corrupt”, means you had dd into its partition with a number instead of sdb_name_like device. use lsblk again to see the name for the DISK or PART

Problem and Fix

could not get dpkg lock when apt install at startup