Table of Contents

~~~~~~~~~~ Super Outdated, for my reference only ~~~~~~~~

Company Structure in SG

To read:

Sole Proprietorship

registration flow

  1. then, prepare 15 SGD + 50 SGD = 65 SGD
    1. a name
    2. address (home address in 2 types)
      • Home-Based Small Scale Business Scheme (like for real small money makers): allows some small scale type of activities to operate from home without engaging any external employees; No prior approval is needed from HDB; HDB link
        • The flat address cannot be used for business registration.
      • Home Office Scheme (like Technology-based and knowledge-intensive business)
  2. submit online by BizFile
  3. wait 15 min, 14 days to 2 month to approval
  4. domain registeration

1 year later - renew

in the end - close

Domain and Hosting

    1. create a account (choose a good name and account name)
    2. address and contact info of it will be used late when registering your domain
    3. search for your option Domain name and add to shopping cart
    4. click “Continue to register”, it will do it with your account info previously
    5. once done with domain, it will ask what else you want to buy with it
    6. check only “economy hosting” 4.5 USD/mo one, and no other if you don't need
    7. done.
  1. once, you bought both, (I suggest buy one year only first, then renew if you like)
  2. go to “my products” link, and click on the “Launch” button of your hosting product
    1. choose your first “FTP account name” and pass,
    2. then wait 30min when your hosting is active

Self-Employed in SG

Some notes on Self-Employed person in SG.

Profit and Loss