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It is using captured photos to generate 3D representation of still object, or motion path of capturing device or both, or reversed to trace motion path of moving object after confirmation of motion path of capturing device.

Technology option for Cross Platform rich-media application development

So, C++ vs ActionScript, C++ is a bit overdone for small application development

App folder structure

Simple Note created on Jun 02 - 2009 9:07 PM on Cross-compile on Mac OS X

for Win32 and Linux

Compile Win32 exe on Mac OS X

For Mac OS X 10.4 "Tiger"

use the older version,
since Tiger is born in 2007, use the version minGW 3.4.5.

For Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard and newer

use MinGW 4.3.0 above for Mac OS X and newer;

Guide on the commands of compile code

Check the sample code of the related compiler's download page, like

g++ -o hello.out hello.cpp
g++ file1.cpp file2.cpp file3.cpp 	# for multiple file into one program
g++ -o lab7.out file1.cpp file2.cpp file3.cpp

Compile Linux binary on Mac OS X

  1. not much problem
  2. install i386-linux-gcc 4.1.1 above for Mac OS X (Intel) or newer at the same page above
  3. the output of the binary program is a.out

Issue and Problems


set Path environment Method 1:

  1. open .profile
  2. export PATH=$PATH:/new_path_entry
  3. add above and close

Microchip Programming

XBOX 360 Kinect

Get Kinect Started

  1. Buy Hardware:
    1. Kinect for Xbox One (199 SGD)
    2. Kinect Adapter for Windows (65 SGD)
  2. Download Software:
  3. Study