Table of Contents

Automation with Blender: python:blender

Get Python Qt setup in Blender

UPDATE: 2020/06.23 install PySide2 for Blender 2.83

Common Task in Blender

set camera clipping distance

  1. viewport, press N, to bring up tool panel, in View tab, set the far clip distance

Blender Shortcut

CG App Shortcut Compare Table

viewport Blender Maya
quad view ctrl+alt+Q space
view switch numpad,ctrl+numpad space+RMB markmenu
expert mode ctrl+alt+space alt+F10 ctrl+space
max. panel ctrl+space ctrl+Up space
tool panel T,F6 ctrl+A
property panel N ctrl+A
view selected num. f
isolate selected shift+h use icon
view all home a
- MMB centric alt centric
rotate view MMB drag alt+LMB drag
pan view shift+MMB drag alt+MMB drag
dolly view ctrl+MMB drag alt+RMB drag
add object shift+A menu shift+RMB markmenu
select all/none a double click/click none
drag select, add,remove,toggle b
LMB drag
MMB drag
ctrl+shift drag
ctrl drag
shift drag
paint select c
soft select o
obj/vtx,edge,face mode tab,ctrl+tab1,2,3 RMB markmenu, script
hide operate axis handle ctrl+space q
UI interaction Blender Maya
tear off panel left-corner cross sign + shift LMB drag just drag
swap panel left-corner cross sign + ctrl LMB drag -
slider UI hold ctrl =10% incr
hold shift = 1% incr
press E to overshoot
hold ctrl = small incr
middle drag in view
Action Blender Maya
wireframe on shaded object property : display : wire+all edge view menu : wireOnShade check, script
wire/shade view z 4
snap toggle shift+tab
snap menu, 3d cursor shift+S
vtx, curve, grid snap incremental snap + grid align btn hold v, c, x
delete obj x, delete delete
undo ctrl+z ctrl+z
redo ctrl+shift+z ctrl+y
Duplicate object shift+D ctrl+D, shift+D
duplicate as instance alt+D ctrl+shift+D w option
repeat last action shift+R g
adjust last action F9
hide object / unhide H, alt+H ctrl+H, shift+H
increase/decrease component selection ctrl+Num+/- shift+</>
to shell selection L
select all/none a double click/click none
continue selection ctrl+select shift + double click select
loop selection alt+select double click select
convert bet obj type alt+C
combine objects ctrl+J
separate object
center pivot ctrl+alt+shift+C
parent, unparent ctrl+p,alt+p p, shift+p

Blender Special shortcut

move obj to layer m
curor/selection grid snap shift+S
select border edge ctrl+shift+alt+M
cursor to origin shift+C
zero T,R,S alt+G,alt+R,alt+S

modelling shortcut in blender

fill hole=insert face f, ctrl+f
extrude edge, face, vtx e, ctrl+LMB end click
offset=insert face i
subdivide w
insert edge loop=loop cut ctrl+R w scroll
offset edge loop ctrl+shift+R
bevel ctrl+b
cut face=knife k
merge vert menu alt+m
average vert=smooth vert
edge menu ctrl+e
face menu ctrl+f
vert menu ctrl+v
set normal to face ctrl+n

Blender 2.6

Blender is 2nd 3D application I picked up when I was starting the 3D learning. (Cinema 4D is my first 3D app, Maya is my 3rd, 3DS Max is my 4th).

Before 2.6, the Blender interface is the most struggling thing to cope with,

But now, as 2.6 comes with a new interface, it pops up and let you use optional Maya user interaction;

Now I started to pick it up again.

Before Blender 2.6


show selected vertex count and vertex count

show vertex index

Layout in Blender 3D

bounding box display:


Modeling in Blender 3D

Seperate object

Select edge loop

Material and Shader in Blender 3D

UV unwrap in Blender 3D


  1. Many surfaces need to be “cut” to make it possible to unwrap them.
  2. The edges that will be cut “Seams”. In Edit Mode, selected edges can be marked or cleared as seams, using Mesh → Edges → Mark Seam (Ctrl E)
  3. UVs → LSCM Unwrap (E Key) in the UV editor will launch LSCM unwrapping

Scripting and GUI development

Tutorial List

Techniques Section


Addon Plugins

Blender Automation

Blender Research

Vertex density check

Blender Material Concept

Blender Material - create height map from 3d geo


the reverse process: