Table of Contents

Shortcut and Operation

Maya 3DS Max Blender Cinema 4D Houdini
interface Maya 3DS Max Blender Cinema 4D Houdini
viewport Maya 3DS Max Blender Cinema 4D Houdini
rotate viewalt+LMBalt+MMB;ctrl+r 3+LMB
pan viewalt+MMBMMB;ctrl+p 1+LMB
zoom viewalt+RMBscroll MMB;alt+zscroll MMB;+ -2+LMB
zoom regionalt+RMBscroll MMB;alt+zscroll MMB;+ -ctrl+alt+LMB
change view hold space+drag p,t,l,r,b,u,c,shf+4 Num 1,3,7,5,0
max view space alt + w ctrl + up PgUp, PgDwn
undo view [ shift + z ctrl+shift+z
redo view ] shift + y ctrl+shift+y
camera from view ctrl + c ctrl + alt + Num0
focus selectedf;shift+fz s
focus allactrl+sfhit+z h/o
modeling Maya 3DS Max Blender Cinema 4D Houdini
duplicate faceEdit Mesh>Duplicate FaceShift+Move
panel Maya 3DS Max Blender Cinema 4D Houdini

Online CG Tutorial Site List

3D General 3DS Max Maya Cinema4D Vue Blender 3D Houdini 2D General AfterEffects Nuke Fusion XSI ZBrush
Guerrila CG intro
Greyscale Gorilla production production
3D Buzz intro intro intro
Blender3D tut intro
GeekAtPlay intro
i3D tut intro intro intro
Pixologic intro
MotionWorks production
VideoCopilot production
GrayMachine production
Maltaannon production
MaxAfter production production
Tuts Plus intro productionproductionproduction production

Topic Base

Animation basic (bouncing ball)DigitalArtsGuild in Maya IdleWorm in Drawing

University Course

3D course

2D course

other course

interesting course

Chinese CG course