====== AppleScript tips ====== * application automation tell application "Finder" to empty trash * computer operation property target_URL : "http://macscripter.net/" open location target_URL * system operation set volume 7 beep 5 say "Hello!" say "Hello!" using "Zarvox" * user interaction display dialog "How are you today?" buttons {"Lousy", "Good", "Great!"} default button "Great!" with icon 1 [with icon note] giving up after 5 delay 60 -- //delay 60 seconds display dialog "Please enter a number:" default answer "5" * user input automation tell application "System Events" tell process (path to frontmost application as string) keystroke "myPassword" & return end tell end tell * script and shell automation do shell script "cd ~/Documents; ls" * path convertion -- unix path to applescript path set applePath to POSIX file "/myPath" set applePath to POSIX file mySel as Unicode text -- apple path to unix path set bashPath to POSIX path of applePath * pipe data from command by bracket display dialog (do shell script "echo $PATH") * text processing ====== system preference ====== * change dock size set dockPrefs to (path to preferences folder from user domain as text) & "com.apple.dock.plist" -- get the current location of the dock and use that to toggle your settings tell application "System Events" tell property list file dockPrefs to set theLocation to value of property list item "orientation" -- set the dock size: a value between 0 and 1 tell dock preferences if theLocation is "bottom" then set dock size to 0.1 else set dock size to 0.9 end if end tell -- set the position: left, right, or bottom tell property list file dockPrefs if theLocation is "bottom" then set value of property list item "orientation" to "left" else set value of property list item "orientation" to "bottom" end if end tell end tell -- quit and relaunch the dock with the new settings tell application "Dock" to quit * toggle keyboard function key tell application "System Preferences" activate set current pane to pane "com.apple.preference.keyboard" end tell tell application "System Events" -- If we don't have UI Elements enabled, then nothing is really going to work. if UI elements enabled then tell application process "System Preferences" get properties click radio button "Keyboard" of tab group 1 of window "Keyboard & Mouse" click checkbox "Use all F1, F2, etc. keys as standard function keys" of tab group 1 of window "Keyboard & Mouse" end tell tell application "System Preferences" to quit else -- GUI scripting not enabled. Display an alert tell application "System Preferences" activate set current pane to pane "com.apple.preference.universalaccess" display dialog "UI element scripting is not enabled. Please activate \"Enable access for assistive devices\"" end tell end if end tell ====== Keycode of AppleScript ====== ^ esc | 53 ^ tab | 48 ^ ' | 12 ^ a | 0 ^ ; | 6 | ^ F1 | 122 ^ ` | 50 ^ , | 13 ^ o | 1 ^ q | 7 | ^ F2 | 120 ^ 1 | 18 ^ . | 14 ^ e | 2 ^ j | 8 | ^ F3 | 99 ^ 2 | 19 ^ p | 15 ^ u | 3 ^ k | 9 | ^ F4 | 118 ^ 3 | 20 ^ y | 17 ^ i | 5 ^ x | 11 | ^ F5 | 96 ^ 4 | 21 ^ f | 16 ^ d | 4 ^ b | 45 | ^ F6 | 97 ^ 5 | 23 ^ g | 32 ^ h | 38 ^ m | 46 | ^ F7 | 98 ^ 6 | 22 ^ c | 34 ^ t | 40 ^ w | 43 | ^ F8 | 100 ^ 7 | 26 ^ r | 31 ^ n | 37 ^ v | 47 | ^ F9 | 101 ^ 8 | 28 ^ l | 35 ^ s | 41 ^ z | 44 | ^ F10 | 109 ^ 9 | 25 ^ / | 33 ^ - | 39 ^ left | 123 | ^ F11 | 103 ^ 0 | 29 ^ = | 30 ^ return | 36 ^ up | 126 | ^ F12 | ? ^ [ | 27 ^ \ | 42 ^ space | 49 ^ down | 125 | ^ delete | 51 ^ ] | 24 ^ | ^ enter | 52 ^ right | 124 | ====== AppleScript ready-to-use library ====== * http://macdevelopertips.com/category/applescript