====== python environment tool ====== * https://www.anaconda.com/ * Anaconda is a like broader version of PIP for package management for python development and related * it package more than python related stuffs, and other extended language and tools as well; * Anaconda managed environment for each task, like virtualenv python module to isolation development and configure for each task, and not limited to isolation of python but others as well * anaconda is mainly for Python and R, and for data science and machine learning, * docker also can isolate, but is for wide range of use case Component of anaconda: * navigator: a pre-defined package list * Jupyter notebook: is also pre-installed as part of it * spyder code editor: is also included * Anaconda Promopt to start the env cmd termnial ====== Problem and Fix ====== * if nagivator is freeze on startup, close the VSCode that auto popup