//======================================= //# image split by n //======================================= var doc = app.activeDocument; // Prompt the user for the number of parts var n = parseInt(prompt("Enter the number of parts to split the image into:", 4)); // Calculate the height of each part var partHeight = Math.floor(doc.height / n); // Create a new document with the width of the original image and the height of one part var newDoc = app.documents.add(doc.width, partHeight, doc.resolution, "Split Image"); // Loop through each part of the image for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) { // Define the source rectangle for the part var sourceRect = [ [0, i * partHeight], [doc.width, i * partHeight], [doc.width, (i + 1) * partHeight], [0, (i + 1) * partHeight] ]; // Activate the source document app.activeDocument = doc; // Deselect any active selection doc.selection.deselect(); // Create a new selection doc.selection.select(sourceRect); // Copy the part to the new document doc.selection.copy(); // Activate the new document app.activeDocument = newDoc; // Paste the part into the new document newDoc.paste(); // Move the selection down by the height of one part app.activeDocument = doc; doc.selection.translateBoundary(0, partHeight); } //======================================= //# trim border //======================================= app.activeDocument = newDoc; newDoc.trim(TrimType.TOPLEFT, true, true, true, true);